I can't believe Heber (my baby) is 7
He REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted a horse cake because Horse and Heber both start with his favorite letter H
7 things about Heber (idea copied from Judy)
First, he makes friends easily and loves his friends. His brothers are some of his best friends (most of the time).
Third, along with that passion he also shows every emotion. Sometimes a little too honest and a little too quick to share every thought that pops in his head. That little wall that most people have in their head to stop every thought, yeah, he doesn't have that.
Fourth, he enjoys to laugh. He always has. His laugh is infectious and not always at the appropriate time.
Fifth, He is his own man. He is sure he can do everything everyone else does. Sometimes this is good, sometimes when he decides he can just do what he wants and we have no idea where he is. He likes to roam the neighborhood so I have to keep a close eye on him.
6th, he is a smart boy. He loves reading and reads everything. I'm amazed when we read the Book of Mormon and some of the hard words that he just seems to know more then read. He is excited to get baptized next year. Wow, I'm not sure I'm ready to have my whole family old enough to be baptized.
The 7th thing I love about Heber is how happy we are to have him in our family. I describe him as my cherry on top. I always felt like I just had one more baby to come and really felt strongly that I needed him to be in our family. I had to do some heavy duty talking to get Bill to agree, in fact Bill named him Heber (a name I wouldn't have picked but it was part of the wheelin' and dealin'). So if my life is a banana split Heber is the cherry on top.
I love, love, love being Heber's mom!!