Monday, August 11, 2008

Alpine Days . . . Annual Bateman Family Reunion

I am trying to add more than one image . . . this has taken me all morning . . . I think I finally figured it out. We will see.

We had our annual Bateman Family reunion for Alpine days. Because of School and Scout camps we weren't able to go to the Rodeo or Parade, but made it to the "BIG" dinner . . . Yummy Hawaiian Haystacks and Wahoo!!! Root Beer Floats . . . . Dad was there for dinner, but then had other obligations. It was good to see you dad, I hope you had a good time. We missed you for the rest of the night.

All the cousins seem to have had a great time playing sports, swinging, running and don't forget the tramp . . .

Jordan brought out the big toys and my kids loved it. I think BJ and Taft wanted to ride, but are trying to be "grown-up" and didn't want to seem too anxious so they missed out on that. Taft is sure he was "fine".

The big kids . . . including Jordan had a rousing game of basketball that no one wanted to end. The game was finally called in the case of it was dark . . . and time to go to the fireworks . . .
Judy bought glow sticks that were the hit of the night . . . the kids had a great time running and moving them all over the place. Heber hardly noticed the fireworks and just kept spinning his (and has been spinning his for 2 solid days) half way through he decided that the fireworks were boring and wanted to go. Once I told him that was always my favorite part of Alpine days and I remembered going with my mom and grandma when I was his age he stopped for a minute and loved the second half.
We had a great time, we got home really late. Late enough for me to have to be up until 3:30 working on my sharing time for the next day. It was really nice to see everyone and missed all of you who couldn't be there.

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  1. It was so great to see you at Alpine Days (that seems like YEARS ago, could it have possibly been this month?) We need to start our monthly scrapbook sessions up now that school's started and the crazy summer has hopefully settled down... I'll call you this week.

  2. It is so sad to miss Alpine Days. I feel bad that my kids don't know the cousins well either. I can't believe all of the teenagers.... I am not looking forward to that. :)
