4 things Tag...
Judy tagged me along time ago. I am terrible at blogging even though I love to see when others blog. I'm never sure if I just share WAY too much or what I say is going to sound terrible and dumb. I don't like putting myself out there, but do way too often.
So, here's my tag of 4 things.
4 shows I like to watch:
SURVIVOR, I am a nut. I love this show. one of the few arguments Bill and I have ever had aside from how many kids we should have is when he said I just couldn't make it on Survivor. I really couldn't now, my health isn't good enough, but when he said that I so could have!!! I even filled out the application, but never sent it in. My boys would have loved it. My family I grew up in would have hated it because I sure I would have embarrassed them to the hilt. I'm sure I'm embarrassing them just admitting that I would have done Survivor.
American Idol, I casually watch this. It is usually on when Bill has bishopric meetings and the kids have scouts and young men's. So I get my pictures out and work on scrap-booking or read a book while it is on.
Some soaps, but I am very casual about this. I make myself nervous being the only one home and so I usually have the TV on for noise and I rarely even notice it is on, but it is amazing no matter how long it has been since I see one it is like I never missed anything. Makes you realize what utter trash it is. I probably wouldn't even say that I watch them.
News stations That's not a show either and I'm not sure it counts. Especially lately. I can't stand how it is no matter what station it is. There is constant corruption and bickering that I don't even know why I watch because it usually upsets me. I want to be able to know what is going on and keep challenging my mind, but it has gotten so I would just rather not even have it on.
4 things I'm passionate about:
* My husband
* My kids
* Scrap-booking and crafts
* Organizing, which sounds good, but is not. I'm not organized and keep thinking I need to do one more thing and so this is a huge detriment. It really should be thrown out, because it makes me feel like such a failure. It's still there though.
4 phrases I say a lot:
* Holy moly
* Good garbage
* Curses
* get your can in the van or get your can outta the van
4 things I have learned from the past:
* Just enjoy and try not to make everything perfect. You will miss your life if you are always trying to make everything just right to be able to do things.
* Enjoy the kids, even if the house is a mess or you have something more important. They are little for such a short time and you can't get that time back. Kind-of like the first one, huh?
* It is better to say sorry, then I told you so. Even if you were right.
* All you need is love. Corny but true. Love of your famiy, friends, God, church members, country.
4 places I would like to go:
* Church history tour
* England
* California trip with the kids
* Statue of Liberty, Washington monument, Lincoln Memorial.
4 things I did yesterday (This is going to sound a lot different then everyday since it was Mothers day):
* Got to eat a yummy breakfast that I didn't make
* Got to drive with Bill to church
* Got to eat a yummy dinner and desert that I didn't make
* Spent time with some of my best friends preparing Mothers day for all the ladies in the ward.
4 things I'm looking forward to:
* A finished house
* A room for all the paperwork, scrap-book stuff and sewing
* Getting away for our anniversary, we celebrated our 20th a few years ago and haven't been able to get away for about 3 years. Hopefully this year!!
* Getting caught up on scrap-booking
4 things on my wish list: (I really already answered this on what I look forward too, so this will be a big wish)
* To get out of debt
* To be more healthy and loose weight
* To not be behind, it seems like I rush everything and have to do things last minute because I'm not prepared)
* Kitchen cupboards and more counter space.
4 people I tag:
(I'm not sure how to tag, or even how to do it. I wont tag Judy because I got this from her. I don't really know that many who even do a blog.)
* Andrea
* Jeanna
* Carolee
* Diana