Monday, November 24, 2008

Corn Maze

I'm trying to do a bit of catching up with a piece of crap slow computer.
I am also trying to make it so we do a few more things and stop trying to just do what is thrown at us but plan. I had planned at the beginning of the month we were doing this and what day. I think had I not we would have just had a short FHE at home and then off to do homework and a quick treat, but here is our trip to the Corn Maze.
We had so much fun. We had to find numbers 1-15 (I think, I can't remember how many there were). We didn't find them in this order, but we had a bit of a fight over who found it first (I'm sure no one has ever experienced that before) and I wanted at least one picture of each of them so we had them stand by their birth order number.
We started out together, but by the time we got to the end we had lost BJ. I'm not sure he did it on purpose. A few cheats here and there and a few lost boys here and there and freezing, but we had so much fun. We even got a family photo out of it (although it's not very good). Heber salutes in most of his pictures lately, I don't know why except that he has 4 big brothers all in scouts, but he was saluting in almost every picture once I got them loaded on the computer and not just on this little adventure.
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  1. Your boys are going to be taller than you by next year!!! Mine of course never will pass me. That looks like a lot of fun. Schedualing is the key to getting that many out of the house. :)

  2. I like the family picture. It turned out really good. You guys are good to get out and have a nice FHE... ours still consists of mowing the lawn, and will until we can get away with it I guess.
